Elina Discusses Creative Inspiration, New Track "Champion"

Photo Courtesy of Elina

Photo Courtesy of Elina

Elina is bursting into the spotlight as a singer-songwriter whose beautiful music teems with anecdotes of personal growth. Her voice is soft but powerful and melds perfectly with her ballad-style piano playing.

We recently caught up with Elina to talk about how she started out, her singles “Wild Enough” and “Champion,” and the inspiration that fuels her writing process. Though she’s only now focusing on her solo career, she’s in no way a newbie to the industry. “When I started taking guitar lessons in the 8th grade and started studying music at sixteen, I realised this could actually be a profession.” And she was right. Her career blossomed into writing songs for big names including Maroon 5 and SZA’s “What Lovers Do” and NEIKID’s “Sexual.”

Recently however, she’s decided to move toward writing her own music. She tells us, “writing for other people has given me such valuable knowledge about myself, and this business… a while ago I kind of lost my own musical language and voice.” She knew it was time to start creating for herself again and because of that, she’s released three gorgeous singles, since April, that have already received millions of listens.

Elina is currently finishing up an EP and though she’s never toured before, she plans to in the future. In the meantime, she’s working hard and riding the wave of her newest song, “Champion.” A deeply personal song for Elina, it also belongs to those who need a reminder that losing someone important sometimes needs to happen to move forward.

She describes “Champion” as a song about the fear of losing someone but not being able to reach the final breaking point. “When you’re afraid of losing someone you care about - in any relationship - you sometimes tend to push them away. You’re trying to protect yourself… Existing in a grey zone where you only break a little more every day, is the most hurtful thing I think. ‘Champion’ is kind of a request to have your heart broken properly so you can find a way to move on.”

Read the full interview below and listen to “Champion” here.

Hi Elina. Thanks so much for taking the time to answer some questions for us over at Gehen Press. We know you’ve accomplished a lot so far, but you’ve only recently put yourself out there as a solo artist. How did you get started playing music and singing?

Pleasure’s all mine! I think I was around fifteen when I first started writing. I’ve been singing since forever though, and my parents always listened to music at home. They used to bring me to concerts and record stores. They’ve always had a deep love for music and passed that onto me by introducing me to this palette of bands, voices and genres. When I started taking guitar lessons in the 8th grade and started studying music at sixteen, I realized this could actually be a profession.

Your first single, “Wild Enough,” was released this past April, which is gorgeous by the way. After working predominantly with other artists, what made you decide to focus on your own music?

Thank you! Writing for other people has given me such valuable knowledge about myself, and this business. I wouldn’t trade it for anything, but a while ago I kind of lost my own musical language and voice. I didn’t know what was me anymore. That’s when I knew I needed to take a step back and sort that out, and this project is a result of that process. It has helped me reconnect with myself musically.

What does your creative process look like when making music?

Since this has become some kind of inspirational rehab for me, I often try to write alone nowadays. The annoying thing is, ideas and melodies use to pop up for me in inconvenient places like the subway or in the grocery store, so I have a million memos on my phone. Often just made-up words and a short melody. Then I go through them when I’m at home by the piano and start to build from that. I always struggle with lyrics, I get insanely self-critical.


What is an example of a pivotal point of inspiration that led you down this path?

Hard question.. I’ve always expressed myself creatively in one way or another. It has always been a part of my life, but if it wasn’t for my parents and my teachers at school who always encouraged me to move forward when I got stuck, I would have stayed completely lost.

What has been the most difficult aspect of the music industry so far? What advice would you give to other artists?

It’s hard to explore your own creativity and listen to your own gut when everyone around you - and the industry - moves at the speed of light and wants you to move with it. Taking your time doesn’t always rhyme that well with making people fast money. A friend of mine always says that “At the end of the day, you will always be the face of your music. You will step out on stage with it, maybe for the rest of your life”. I try to always carry that with me. Don’t ever let anybody else make you put out music you’re not proud of.

I have heard that “Champion” for you is about fear within a relationship. Can you elaborate a little more on that? Or tell us a story behind the song?

When you’re afraid of losing someone you care about - in any relationship - you sometimes tend to push them away. You’re trying to protect yourself. It hurts to build your life around someone and have it taken away. Existing in a grey zone where you only break a little more every day, is the most hurtful thing I think. “Champion” is kind of a request to have your heart broken properly so you can find a way to move on.

What’s next for you musically? And do you have tour plans in the near future?

I’m finishing up an EP at the moment! I’m beyond excited to continue putting out music this year. You learn new things about yourself with every release. Even if touring feels scary and completely unknown territory at the moment, I’m looking forward to eventually diving into that adventure as well.

Is there a certain venue or city you've always wanted to play?

Red Rocks in Colorado would be insanely cool!

Since 2018 has almost come to an end, it’s only fitting that I ask - What were your favorite songs or albums released this year?

I could go all day. “A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships” by The 1975 is a favorite. As for songs, I don’t think nothing tops “When The Party’s Over” by Billie Eilish. That one’s just ridiculously good.

And lastly, just for fun, I’m wondering about your tattoos. What was your first tattoo? Do you have a favorite? Any specifically significant ones?

It’s addictive! My first one’s very nostalgic to me. I used to be obsessed about this rock band called Switchfoot. I was so inspired by their music. When I turned eighteen, I tattooed their logo on my wrist. Nowadays I forget it’s even there but it brings back a lot of memories from those years. A tattoo for me is more of an imprint from a certain time in your life. The motives can vary, but each one is soaked in memories. They remind me of what made me happy or sad at the time, what I struggled with and got through and so on. It’s nice.